Western New York Vietnam Veterans Monument

List of Names of Killed In Action Prisoner Of War /Missing In Action

The following names appear on the Western New York Vietnam Veterans Memorial that is located near the Naval and Servicemen's Park in downtown Buffalo New York

Chapter77 has initiated a Biography Project to preserve the memory of these men . If you would like to add to the Biography Project please contact Chapter 77 .


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Abara Gene J. Abbot Robert W. Albanese John E.Jr. Allison Darrl G.
Anderson David P. Anderson Martin W. Anderson Martin W. Anderson Roger W. Jr.
Andrews James E. Bailey Donald G. Bailey Joseph T. Barry John F.
Bateman Neil E. Beale Robert B. Bechard John C. Beck Edgar P.
Becker William J. Beckwith Richard E. Beglinger Thomas E. Beiter Roger J.
Bell Leonard J. Berg Dale R. Berger Donald J. Bermingham Daniel J.
Bailkowski John J. Bigelow Lawrence C. Bigelow Ralph W. Bobo John P.
Bobowski Jan E. Jr. Bochnewetch Sherman II Bojanek Robert A. Bomberry Gregory L.
Borczynski Frederick E. Borowicz Kenneth Boryszewski Stephen J. Boswell David H.
Bourne Richard E. Bowdler Gary L. Bowen Howard L. Brese Anthony A.
Bridenbaker Patrick G. Briggs David I. Brooks Walter H. Brookshire George D.
Brophy Martin E. Brown Andrew T. Brown Joel A. Brown Robert J.
Buchner James I. Bugman David C. Burns James E. Burns John J.
Burroughs Judge Jr. Butler Johnnie E. Butler Merle F. Butler Thomas L.
Button Howard E. Cadille Frederick F. Callaghan Dennis P. Cammarata Salvatore
Carlisle Thomas G. Carloni James F. Carr Gerald R. Carr Lon G.
Cartonia Carmen P. Case David D. Casillo Carmine Catalano George L.
Caylor Randy L. Chambley Theodore R. Chapman Warren N. Chiasera August Jr.
Chriss Bradley D. Chubbuck Michael F. Clinger William C. II Clute Michael A.
Cobb James P. Conklin Ronald R. Conners Lee A. Cook Roger J.
Coon David W. Corbett Mark C. Cornwell John B. Corson Richard P.
Coveny David P. Cox William J. Coyle Gary J. Crawford Andy P.
Crawford Curtis E. Crise Perry R. Crossley Orman L. Cullen Mark J.
Culpepper Allen C. Cummings James E. Cunningham Clarence B. Curry Wilbur Jr.
Curtis Wilbur Jr. D'Agostino Norman T. Dalke Burton W. Daniels Rex M.
Darling LLoyd T. Dasaro Agostino W. Davis John P. Dearborn Patrick J.
Dearden Allen K. Dedrick Dwight A. Degen Robert Dell Thomas C.
DeMunda Gerald A. DeWald John F. Dewane Richard A. Dewyea Ronald R.
DiGregorio Joseph DiNunzio Carl L. Dockery Roosevelt G. Doctor Gary D.
Donnell Robert A. II Donohue William E. Doster Henry J. Dougher Thomas E. 
Doyle Michael W. Dray Donald B. Drum Thomas Dumpert Marke H.
Duncan Leon T. Dunn Michael J. Dupre Charles V. Duryea Arnold M.
Dutton Charles M. Dyke Stanton R. Eddy Richard N. Ellis John M.
Emery Charles H . Jr. Engle Richard E. Enzinna John J. Erenstoft David K.
Evans Paul M. Farr David L. Farrell Albert J. Jr. Farrell William P.
Fassell Gary C. Fellinger William G. Jr. Fennessey David L. Ferry David L.
Finger David H. Fisher Arthur Fisher George W. Fitzgerald Patrick V.
Flanigan Thomas F. II Foley Brian R. Forkl Robert W. Foster Robert E.
Fox Larry R. Fox Thomas J. Franklin Keith K. Frantz Maxwell S.
Freeman Ronald W. Frey George H. Gallery Richard M. Gapinski Robert W.
Garland Ronald E. Gates Albert H. Jr. Geary John W. General Leslie N.
Gerspach Peter J. III Giardina Stefano Gibbs Charles E. Gioia John A.
Glimm Ralph T. Glowacki Daniel N. Godfrey John Jr. Golwitzer Ronald A.
Goodrich Edwin Jr. Goslin Paul M. Grace Dennis F. Graves Donald L.
Green Larry Greiner Donald H. Grifasi James A. Grzegorek James A.
Gucwa Joseph J. Gustafson Randall J. Hall Clarence J. Hallows Daniel J.
Hamm Adolph B. Jr. Hammond Richard M. Hannigan Timothy C. Harley Michael N.
Harrison Charles E. Jr. Harrison Robert A. Hastings Carleton P. Havers Larry R.
Heinz Dennis R. Heiser Duane K. Henderson Gary L. Henning Douglas A.
Henry Daniel B. Henry Lindy E. Hens John M. Henson Thomas G.
Hering Mark R. Hershan William Hight David K. Hilburger Michael J.
Hill James W. Jr. Hillard William J. II Hills Ricky C. Hitro Bernard C. Jr.
Holl George W. Hoganboom Dennis N. Hollender Donald Hornyak John J.
Howden Robert W. Imerese James D. Intihar John T. Jackowiak Henry P.
Jackson Sanford L. Jr. Jakel Craig T. Jednat Eric J. Johnson George A. Jr.
Johnson Robert L. Johnson Theodore W. Jones Orville N. Jordan Patrick M.
Judd Donald R. Judge William C. Justice William P. Karn Wayne P.
Katz Elker Gruth Kaus Harry L. Kazmierczak Robert J. Keeler William C.
Keller Norman L. Keller Leroy H. Kelly Roger E. Kester Richars L.
Kidd Peter A. Kidd Philip M. Kindel James C. Kinney John W.
Klos Daniel E. Jr. Knaus Richard A. Knuland Paul J. Knight Bryan T.
Knowlton George E. Koehler David J. Komarowski Peter M. Kordasiewicz Harry J.
Krieger Frank A. Kronthaler Paul J. Krouslis John D. Kupkowski John W.
Kurtowicz James D. Lagodzinski Roger T. L'Huillier Joseph A. LaGrand Robert H.
LaGray Ernest J. Laird Richard F. Lambert Gary R. Lamby Albert M.
Lamby Charles M. Lane James T. Lassen David H. Leake Johnny H.
LeCastre Kenneth J. Lederhouse Chester A. Lee James H. Levulis John J.
Lewis Eric O. Ligammari Nicholas P. Lindbloom Charles D. Logsdon Clifford D.
Lucchesi Giancarlo Luther Robert B. Lyons James Mack William J.
Macomb Orrie E Jr. Madison Henry Jr. Makowski William J. Malin Michael L.
Mandracchia Paul S. Manley Richard J. Manns Edward E. Marchese Thomas V.
Mason William Massari Richard D. Mathis James R. May Robert W.
May Thomas A. Mayer Norman P. McCarthy Glenn M. McCarthy Robert A.
McConnell Gerard R. McCoy James G. McGuire Michael K. McGinnis Michael J.
McLean Rodney Metty Raymond J. Miles Larry A. Miller Jeffrey A.
Miller Robert H. Mills Denzell R. Minotti Anthony J. Mitchell Thomas W.
Moden Richard S. Mohr Victor A. Mong Wilbur L. Monhof August H.
Monin Francis G. Monkelbaan Timothy J. Montague Dennis E. Montz Roger E.
Moore Thomas J. Morgan Dennis E. Mott John J. Mott Joseph A.
Muench Joseph E. Musick Frank F. Muszynski Michael J. Nadeau Harold B.
Natale Nicholas Neal Cary Nesbitt Calvin I. Newbauer Ronald G.
Newman Daniel J. Jr. Nichols Max E. Nicklas Gilbert M. Nightengale Timothy J.
Nurzynski Joseph A. O'Connell Kevin G. Olson Timothy A. Orton Kenneth W. Jr.
Owczarczak Melvin J. Ozimek Ronald R. Page John G. Page Willie L.
Palumbo Anthony P. Paulino Carl A. Pavan Kenneth A. Pawlick Henry J. Jr.
Pawlowski Theodore J. Jr. Pearson David A. Pearson Jesse Pensyl Donald N.
Petrie Richard J. Phelps David H. Phillips David J. Pierce Ronald S.
Pixley Richard J. Poliniak Robert J. Pringle James E. Prast Martin
Ptasnick Walter J. Quick Adrian A. Jr. Raetz Robert W. Reeder Brent A.
Reichert Joseph R. Reichlin Joseph R. Reitz Michael R. Reynolds David R.
Rice Herbert C. Robbins Arnold L. Roemer Donald P. Roese Alan J.
Rodgers William J. IV Rohring Kevin M. Roman Mark J. Romesser Richard J.
Ross George B. Jr. Rossoto Vincent J. Rozell Edward A. Rubins John C.
Russ Paul E. Sadler Ronald F. Samuelson Robert L. Sanderson Jack J.
Suarini James P. Schmidt Daryl J. Schmidt Michael Schultz Robert C.
Scott Dennis L. Scott Duane C. Scritchfield David A. Seefeldt Charles L. Jr.
Serwinowski Richard E. Settimi Roland M. Severson Robert D. Shaffer William P.
Shattuck Bernard M. Shattuck Ronald L. Shea Gary J. Sheldon Kimball H.
Shoemaker Donald E. Shubbuck Rolland B. Simmons Elliot Jr. Sippel William J.
Sirianni Daniel E. Sisley William E. Sisson Ronald P. Skomski James M.
Smeal Robert Smith Douglas M. Smith Gregg A. Smith Larry E.
Smith Robert J. Smolarek Edwin J. Jr. Snow Milton Jr. Sorci Mark T.
Sparks Clifford Spaulding Jack D. Spear Michael S. Spence Alex C.
Sprout Richard M. Skora Richard M. Stachowski Arthur T. Stacey Walter R.
Stankiewicz Kenneth D. Steffans Marshall G. Steiner Joseph R.II Steinkerchner James L.
Stemper Philip J. Stetter Ronald T. Stewart Lawrence Stewart Roy E.
Stow John L. Strate John D. Strobel William E. Stymus Gary L.
Swanstrom Douglas G. Sweda Joseph R. Swieczkowski Michael J. Swisher Larry R.
Sygnatur Joseph J. Szymanski John S. Tatarski Leslie M. Taylor Philip C.
Taylor Raymond R. Jr. Taylor Robert Thiegles Charles T. Thomas Daniel P. Jr.
Thomas James W. Thompson James B. Thompson James R. Thorsteinson Vernon J.
Threet Pierre A. Thrush Olin R. Timian Frank E. Tomaszewski Stanley Jr.
Thomaszewski Thomas D. Townsend Gary R. Travis Jon P. Trotter Richard B.
Tworek Gerald J. Tyrcz Walter F. Jr. Underdown George M. Urbanczyk Joseph M.
Van Alst Harry L. Jr. Vanderbrook Gary L. Vanderheld Mark E. Varney Kenneth E.
Verry Frederick A. Waklee Duane A. Wallenbeck Frank C. Walter Clyde E. Jr.
Ward John L. Watson William B. Jr. Welch Richard D. Welker Thomas E.
Wenzel Carl H. Whitbeck Robert B. Whitlock Donald Wick Gerald P.
Widomski Daniel A. Wier Michael B. Wilcox Charles C. Wilcox William E. Jr.
Williams Vincent R. Wisnier Gary Witkop Michael E. Wolf Brian E.
Woodward Richard H. Woynarski Richard M. Wratten Gary P. Wrazen Gerald
Young Joseph R. Young Weldon H. Zimpher Fred C. Zydel Ronald W.

Prisoners of War / Missing in Action
+ indicates remains returned
Bittenbender David F. Bossman Peter R. Brunson Jack W.
Crosby Bruce A. Dewispelare Rexford T. DiTommaso Robert J.
Dyczkowski Robert R. + Foster Robert E. Goodrich Edwin R. Jr. +
Jones Thomas P. Kmetyk Jonathan P. Knutson Donald P.
Kryszak Theodore E. + Omelia Dennis W. Rausch Robert E.
Rodregues Albert E. + Rozo James M. Sitek Thomas
Smith Carl A. Terry Ronald T. Tice Paul D.
Thompson Donald E. +

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